Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Vote Values. For the Soul of America.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden remarked recently that this election is a “battle for the soul of America.”  He is right: more so than in nearly every other election in our history, the outcome of this election season could result in massive change to America’s soul.

Which makes it urgent that we each vote our values at every level of public office.  

Political campaigns may start nobly with discussions of ideals and platforms but typically devolve into brutal mud wrestling.  This year’s campaigns are no different.   The “mud” can be both an effort to discredit and an effort to obscure.  Mud works.  The most discredited often lose.

Mud can also be a strategy to obscure.  If the conversation centers on mud, the slingers of it can gloss over the values of their own candidates and party, thereby misleading voters.  Political mud will fade away, but once in office, it is the legacy of a politician's values that will remain. 

When we vote our values, we are freed from the small tyranny of having to vote “for” a candidate.  It’s ideal when we can support a candidate.  In my city, I am giving my time and resources to support a woman running for re-election to the City Council.  I like her values, and she is a powerful force for good in our community.  I will be voting “for” her.

In other elections in this season, I will be voting “against” some candidates and the “soul” of their parties.  That does not necessarily mean I am “for” the candidates I select on my ballot.  It means I am looking at values.  In some cases, the candidates I select will be the ones who least violate my values.  

In the case of the candidates for president, I am unable to vote “for” either major candidate.  Looking through the mud, however, I can see which candidate and party least violates my values.  That’s the one I will select on my ballot.

The chart below shows my own briefly stated views of how I believe American conservative and liberal politicians approach issues of the day, and what would be the result of their governance.  I understand there are nuances that I have not included, or that I have not fully known or understood.  Nevertheless, this is how I see the way each end of the political spectrum will try to mold the soul of America.  Red Line Issues are those deeply rooted in my convictions.   

Conservative Politicians


Liberal Politicians

The freedom to speak our minds is a foundation of our republic and must be protected.  “Cancel culture” is not okay.

Freedom of Speech

Speech must conform to current social norms. Culture and laws should punish those who violate those norms.

Abortion is morally wrong, although there must be room for some exceptions


Red Line Issue

Abortion is a basic human right and should generally not be infringed.  Disposal of unwanted children after birth is acceptable.

Less crime


More crime

Protect the environment with economically sustainable technologies, policies and expenditures


Protect the environment with policies and massive green projects, even if it means unreasonable economic costs.

Open the economy and normal activities as widely as possible consistent with protecting the most vulnerable.


Close the economy and normal activities as needed to blunt the spread of the disease.

Less erosion


Red Line Issue

More erosion

Little erosion

Religious Freedom

Red Line Issue

Continuous erosion

Lower tax burden


Higher tax burden


Rules & regulations at all levels


The original meaning of the constitution should constrain the laws of today.  Low risk of “court packing”. 

Supreme Court

The intent of the constitution is living and should change with the needs of present society.  High risk of “court packing” to obtain favorable decisions.

Higher growth


Lower growth

“It’s a concern.  We’ll take care of it later.  Our hearts are in the right place, but we are having trouble engaging action to rein in debt.”  Low to moderate risk of crippling inflation in years to come.

National Debt

National debt isn’t a problem, according to the “modern monetary theory” endorsed by many liberals.  Moderate to high risk of crippling inflation in years to come.

We have made great improvements as a nation in our treatment of minorities, and we must continue to root out racism where it exists.

Race relations

People of color are victims of white racism.  America is deeply flawed in this area and requires massive structural change.

Peaceful protests are fine.  Violent protests and property destruction are never acceptable: the first duty of government is to protect the people.

Violent Protests

Peaceful protests are best, but violent protests are a legitimate form of political expression 

Treat other nations with dignity and respect, but protect American citizens and American interests first

Foreign policy

Treat other nations with dignity and respect, and make few waves even if that comes at great cost to Americans

Greater security 

Security of Personal Savings, i.e. confiscation of savings by government

Less security 

Based on traditional values with little change going forward


Red Line Issue

Constantly evolving depending on the sentiments of the day

Stronger defense

National defense

Diminished defense 

Protection of 2nd amendment rights


Continuous erosion of 2nd amendment rights

Immigration policies that provide a continuous and sustainable flow of immigrants and visitors


Anyone should be able to come to America and stay here at taxpayer expense.  No border.

Parents should be able to choose the best kind of school for their children.  Parents should have full awareness of and a strong voice in curricula selection.

School choice

Public schools are best for children and for society and other choices should be very limited.  Parents should have little voice in curricula, and in some cases, not even know what is being taught.


Resistance to Kingdom of God in America

Red Line Issue


….a great country.  It is not perfect, and we must press on to find equitable solutions for the problems of the nation. 

America is...

….a desperately broken nation that can only be restored by massive change, great national sacrifice and public penance.

Americans need liberals to promote important social evolution

Change / progress / evolution

Americans need conservatives to reduce risks of breaking important values in the midst of evolution

All this said, one last thought: governments can make things better or worse for us, but my hopes do not ultimately rest in the hands of politicians or governments. My hopes rest in Jesus, the risen Savior and in the righteousness, peace, joy and power of His Kingdom that is advancing now across the Earth, and the more of that Kingdom that is yet to come.

Image by amberzen from Pixabay

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