Friday, December 31, 2021

America Is A Racist Nation, but.....


America is a racist nation.
Just as every nation is a racist nation.
But America is one of the least racist multi-racial nations on earth.

We have fought so hard and come so very far.
Yet, we are not done.
The problem is that every human is racist at some level.

Laws and regulations may help, but will never alone suffice.
Only changed hearts can right the wrongs.

I will never wear the label "racist" because of the light color of my skin.
The demand that I do is itself naked racism.

I will never bear the wrongs of generations past.
Americans of earlier generations made their own mistakes just as does ours.
I am not responsible for the evils of the past.  All I can do is try to lessen the evils of today.
I am proud of our history.  We are a noble nation and a noble people who out of many have become one.  But I am not proud of every part of our history.
Our historic wrongs do not define us.  Our noble impulses and behaviors define us.
Fools who attempt to erase or re-write our history will only cause future generations to make similar mistakes.

May God bless America, and all the peoples that are here
who make us who we are today and who we will become tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. University of London political scientist and professor Eric Kaufmann studied this issue. His perspective "The Media Is Creating a False Perception of Rising Racism. My New Study Proves It" is here >
