Thursday, January 03, 2019

Walking, Talking Miracles and the Goodness of God in the Ordinary

I realized tonight that I couldn't make a fingernail that works like mine if I tried a half hundred years. I couldn't make a digestive system that works like mine in a hundred. Or a neural / endocrine signaling system in double that.

I'm a walking, talking miracle, and I'm so used to me that I take it for granted.

There is much for which to be thankful in these still damp hours of the new born year. As the example of the fingernail suggests, my list could be very, very long.

But let me show you just two on my list; two walking, talking miracles: my granddaughters.

Being thankful keeps my attitudes right-side-up. God is good, and I never fail to see that in my family and friends and community and in this incomprehensibly complex and beautiful creation.

I repeat that often: God is good. I do it not because my King needs to hear it, but because my soul needs to be sure of it.....even in times of sudden, painful loss as was our experience last month. He is still good.

And I practice thankfulness because it constantly reminds that He is indeed still good.

Granddaughters make that joyfully obvious, but even my fingernails proclaim it!