Monday, July 13, 2020

We Are ALL Racists

It has become politically correct in the United States for some to label all Caucasians as racists, and other races the victims of this racism.  Labelling a person as racist based on skin color alone is itself an act of racism. 

The politically incorrect reality is that we are ALL racist. Whether we are white, black, yellow or red, each one of us harbors racist thinking -- how much is just a matter of degree. Some of us make no attempt to restrain the evil impulses of racism; others of us work diligently to erase it from our hearts; but still, not one of us is pure. 

In Africa, where blacks predominate, there is racism against Asians and Caucasians. In Asia, there is racism against blacks and Caucasians. In the United States, there are areas where whites dislike blacks, other areas where blacks dislike whites, other areas where Hispanics dislike Asians, and, areas where Asians dislike whites.

Racism is a flaw of the unredeemed human condition.  It is a blight on all mankind.

We who are followers of Jesus have a responsibility to examine ourselves with the guidance of Holy Spirit to find those places in us where our racial prejudices diminish our love for one another because of skin color. There is no option: Jesus commands us to love one another.

As a nation, America has made great strides in reducing racism. We are today one of the least racist multi-ethnic nations on Earth. In the Civil War the slaves were freed, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives. In the mid-1960s, we codified into law the civil rights of all Americans. Today we are going through a painful national self examination because there are still cultural structures that frustrate the ideal of liberty and justice for all…...and we have not yet rooted out racism from its main stronghold, the human heart.  

It’s a good thing to find and eliminate laws and customs that support structural racism at the national and local levels. But real change will only come with a change in the hearts of white Americans, black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans and all the ethnicities that are alloying together to make the better America that will be: e pluribus unum……”out of many one”.