Saturday, September 05, 2020

Greeting Others With the Peace of the Kingdom of God

What if we as Jesus followers always greeted others in peace; if we spoke with grace and love in hard situations; if we responded with patience instead of reacting with anger?  

Could we be the catalysts for a transformation in how we communicate, and a depolarization of our culture? Could we begin to turn the tide of anger, hate and murder with the tongue?  

I know I have too often failed in these and other places to quietly demonstrate the righteousness, peace and joy of the Kingdom of God.   But no more.

It is essential that people of faith take responsibility for healing the divisions caused by polarization, and that we bear witness to the solution and not add to the problem. Americans generally, and Christians specifically, have a duty to act civilly, to will the good of others—or, in Christian terms, to bear witness to that divine love that knows no borders; to the God for whom love, mercy and justice are the only standards of human action. -- John C. Danforth & Matt Malone, Episcopal and Jesuit priests respectively, writing in The Wall Street Journal.

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