Saturday, February 02, 2008

India - 2 February 2008 - Preaching

A bit to my surprise I found myself the featured speaker at a village church meeting on the other side of Gadra from Bratpra. After travelling through Gadra and other villages, we came to the church meeting.

When we arrived, we were given leis and then escorted to a platform where all the speakers and worship leaders removed their shoes. The church was singing loudly as they awaited our arrival. It was meeting outdoors, with colorful tapestries defining the “walls.” There were about 200 men, women and children…in those groups. There were more women than men, but not by too much. The women were beautifully dressed with colorful shawls and nose jewelry. The men were attractive in their proud way and the kids were just delightful and well mannered little people.

After some introduction….which none of us understood in the slightest….Mothas and I were handed microphones and I commenced to preaching. I would speak a sentence or two, Mothas would interpret. It was a simple message of perhaps 25 minutes on the importance of forgiveness while living together as a family of believers….when “living stones” are brought together they knock…the Lord commands forgiveness. I spoke for the first time without notes.

When I was done, Mothas took over and spoke even more on the issue. I know he was still on the subject, because several times he turned around and pointed at me. People started coming forward, but we did not understand what was happening. He said later that one woman came forward to testify how she had been unable to walk for many years because of arthritis. She had been prayed for, but nothing happened. Finally a word of knowledge came: you have unforgiveness. When she forgive the one that wronged her, within hours she was able to begin to walk again. That brought others coming and healings started.

It is always amazing to me what happens when we weak humans bring forth the Word of God and how it touches the lives of people. It is good to be a good speaker, but what really matters is to clearly speak forth God’s word.

After the meeting, we were treated to a pleasant meal al fresco at the home of a church member, who works as a church planter.

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